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Hidden In Plain Sight
Hidden In Plain Sight Benayah Israel 71 Views • 3 years ago

Hidden In Plain Sight (Review of Amazon Prime Series - THEM)
(Not for Children)
Amazon Prime Series (THEM) -
Shalom Fam,
This is review of the Amazon Prime series THEM. Episodes nine and ten are filled with symbolism which points back to Israel and so called Black people (descendants of slaves). You'll definitely want to check out this review to see the message this episode attempts to convey to the world. Enjoy fam... Shalom!

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Jews of West Africa - Documentary
Jews of West Africa - Documentary Benayah Israel 2,608 Views • 3 years ago

⁣This is a rebroadcast of a previous documentary regarding the Jews of West Africa. Checkout this in-depth look at the Jews of West Africa. This video will prepare you for the upcoming Reclaiming the Thrones movie due out soon. Well, enjoy family and stay blessed Israel. Shalom!

Reformed Apologetics Ministry Destroyed
Reformed Apologetics Ministry Destroyed HebrewConnectTV 794 Views • 3 years ago

The Classic Documentary from the Morym of Hebrew Nation Building, "ReBirth of a Nation"!
Banned on YouTube for being too explosive in Biblical Truth and irrefutable historical fact, R.A.M. Destroyed completely dismantles the lies of the enemies of Israel, and highlights over the course of two films the truth of Torah and the modern identity of the Biblical Hebrew Israelites!

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